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What does it mean to be disabled? - in the past and today
Currculum integration

We used a theme of ‘bridges – bridging’ to show that we want to bridge between them and us creating pathways and helping to develop our environment to become more inclusive.
Our topics and cooperation activities integrated into all our national curricula. They were chosen to be adaptable for a wide range of partners. The red thread we followed was from ‘us to them’, ‘present to past to future’
Before and during our eTwinning years the participating teachers came together (twinspace, video conferencing) to  plan the overlapping areas possible for all countries.
Our major focus was on building competencies in the area of English as a lingua franca, on the creative use of media, on the safe and sensible use of web 2.0 tools for ‘quality communication’ and making friends


  • Communication and describing pictures in ESL (‘three stations along ..’)

  • Speaking freely in ESL (self-organized meetings on as a pre-activity to our video conference)

  • Structuring talk in ESL (pre, during and post activities for our video conferences)

  • Writing about films in ESL (‘movies’) - Creative and constructive use of new technology, editing photos and videos with easy and free software in ICT (‘Three stations’, ‘designing results for our posters’)

  • Thematic elements of politics, religion and history (‘religion’, ‘history – researching archives)

  • Small group project work and Individual project work through the eTwinning year

  • Investigative (GER, SLO): archive research to find traces of these people. We tried to put together a list of names, since even that proved difficult for human beings who had been so stigmatized that even their relatives sometimes did not preserve their legacy.

  • Thematic city ralley prepared by, for and with our students - local history and geography

  • We cooperate with the local stumbling blocks project.

  • Eye-witness work (GER, SLO): Organising the event, putting together questions, preparing themselves for the topic with material from a range of sources (archives, books, internet)

  • Self-organized video-conferencing - communication strategy, presentation techniques, netiquette

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A Europeans For Peace Project

Funded by the EVZ Stiftung

© 2017  For our disclaimer please look under contact

Berufskolleg Tecklenburger Land Ibbenbüren
Skofijska gimnazija Vipava
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