What does it mean to be disabled? - in the past and today

This project year was a very rich experience. A lot of activities have been carried out on our Twinspace and also locally.
Classes in our school have cooperated. A class of screen designers have taken the results and turned them into professional posters which were presented in a final exhibition in the location of the German school. Each poster is bilingual. The Documents are CC0 licence and are available for download by other project partners.
Students were given the chance to ‘simulate’ different handicaps. This gave them a different viewpoint onto our immediate environment and their own behavior.
The most drastic impact we noted was how our students’ command of English has changed. Due to the numerous activities on our twinspace, English has become a language that makes sense and feels good to be used rather than a school subject. Students have taken first steps to moderate video conferences with more structure beyond the usual waving and presenting of facts.
We used questionnaires and open discussion to evaluate our online work and our encounters.
Mainly the project has helped our students improving their command of English. English has become a normal means of communication rather than a school subject in both speaking and writing.
Our students developed their skill of working together in groups, completing assignments and meeting deadlines. They also were able to explore their smart phones in creative and constructive ways (city rally).
Find more info on our results also following these links:
https://www.mojaobcina.si/ajdovscina/novice/solstvo/srednja-sola/izmenjava-z-nemsko-solo.html /
https://www.mojaobcina.si/e_izdaje/vipava/latnik_192_web..pdf page 23
https://www.mojaobcina.si/e_izdaje/ajdovscina/latnik_196_web..pdf page 25
https://www.facebook.com/groups/259124317913880/ https://www.thinglink.com/scene/975883570407014402 http://blogs.sch.gr/kglarou/my-etwinning-projects
https://litsagla.weebly.com/etwinning https://eviatop.blogspot.gr/2017/11/2_25.html https://www.mixcloud.com/sunshinewebradio/για-την-ηλιούπολη-συλλογικά-07-05-2018-σχολικές-δράσεις-3ο-λύκειο-ηλιούπολης/ ( from minute 19:17)