Cooperation Partners and Sites Visited

Museum of Contemoprary History in Ljubljana (guided tour about deportation of Slovenian citizens during the second World War
Risiera di San Sabba (former concentration camp during the Nazi regime à guided tour)
Cirius in Vipava (centre and school for disabled people, insight view into professional work)
PINA organisation from Koper- Theatre for Social Change activity (workshop in order to experience discrimination of handicapped people)
Stumbling blocks steering committtee
Ledder Werkstätten (guided tour about work with disabled peole)
Villa Ten Hompel in Muenster (expert talk/workshop)
Guided city tour about “Muenster during the Nazi regime” (Stadtführung K3)
Gestapo basement in Osnabrueck (workshop - working with sources)
Augustaschacht close to Osnabrueck (workshop - working with sources)
Expert talk with contemporary witness Ingrid Matko von Oelhafen
Material exchange with Blinden- and Sehbehinderten association in Osnabrueck Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bund der „Euthanasie“- Geschädigten und Zwangssterilisierten (AG BEZ) (Material exchange)